February 2024

Baby Room

We would like to welcome Elsie and Nola to our room this month. We hope they have a great time in our room with their new friends.

All of our friends have had some wonderful growth over the last month we are excited to tell the families about.

Joy is thirteen months old and has been in the daycare for about a month now. She is slowly warming up to all her new friends and her teachers. Joy has started crawling and trying to walk sideways along the bars of the small stair set in the classroom. She is also able to stand up and move along the furniture we have in the classroom. Her gross development is coming along great! She loves using her hands to play and inspect the toys around her. She loves having any food and being able to practice her fine motor development by picking up the small bite sized pieces. She has had a great month of growth with us!

Edward is a very active boy! He loves to explore the different play areas in the Baby Room as well as the Toddler Room. Edward has started crawling around the classroom lots and has also started to practice his walking skills by pulling himself along the furniture in the classrooms. He loves crawling up and down the small set of stairs we have in the Toddler Room. Edward is working on developing his language skills. Currently Edward will use his hands to point at the toys or objects he would like. He is so funny he is always making his teachers laugh!

Miles is a sweet and curious child! He loves to participate in any of our daily activities in the classroom. Miles has started gaining some wonderful language skills and is able to say the words water, milk, more and mom! He is also slowly able to recognize his animals and make the correct corresponding sounds to the animals such as cows, cats and dogs. Miles has very strong legs and is able to push the toy cars outside back and forth. Miles loves finger play songs and is very good at copying the actions of his
teachers. Miles gross motor and fine motor development is coming along very well!

Davis is another friend who has finished his first month with us in the daycare. He is a quiet and shy child. He loves to go outside to walk around the playground and observe the other children. Davis really enjoys story time. He loves looking at the pictures of the book as the teacher reads and describes them. Davis has great gross motor skills and is able to walk around the classroom as well as walking up and down the small set of stairs in the Toddler Room by holding the bars. He loves to help assist his teachers with getting dressed for outside or getting undressed from outside time by pulling his arms out or his legs out! Davis loves to eat lunch and snack everyday!

Mirabel has started walking alone without any assistance from teachers or objects! She is so proud of herself! She is such an independent girl already! Mirabel has started speaking some simple words such as the name of her brother, some of her friends as well. Mirabel is a very observant child and loves doing puzzles in daycare. She is very nice and kind to her friends. She loves to play peek-a-boo still as well as going outside with her friends.

Miley is a very active girl and always has a smile on her face! She is attentive to the teachers when we call her name. She has started to be able to push and pull toys or other objects while she is walking around the classroom or outside. She loves to stack blocks during play time and loves to investigate toys with both her hands. Miley’s favourite toy is her stuffed bunny from home. Miley is doing wonderful with her gross motor development.

Ivy has had such great language development in the last month. She is able to say five or more words. She is able to understand simple requests from her teachers such as “bring me your shoes.” Or “let’s throw the ball.” She has started to be able to identify pictures in the books we read in the class, and also imitate simple animal sounds. Ivy is starting to recognize body parts on herself and on her dolls. Ivy loves playing with the balls, cars and riding the horse in the classroom.

Zayn loves circle time with his friends and teacher. He loves to sing silly songs and imitate the actions to some songs! He has started gaining some great gross motor development becoming able to go up and down the small stair set in the Toddler classroom. He has started to attempt to say three or more words. He has become able to hold his cup to drink out of and to hold his own spoon or fork to eat. Zayn loves to pick up his food with his fingers during lunch and snack time. Zayn loves to play in the block area. He
is able to stack three or more blocks into a tower. Zayn as very friendly with the other children in his class!

Mrs. Hilda, Mrs. Aman

Toddler Room 1

Happy Birthday to Harper!

This month we will be talking about Valentine’s Day. During circle time we will talk about what Valentine’s Day means, and the things we do on that day. We will sing the “I love you” song and explain to the children how we must love our family members.

For art, we will make a red heart with footprints, and we will fold it
to turn it into a card. For sensory play, we will fill the water table and add some red or pink food colouring. Then we will add some heart shapes, and glitter for the children to play with. 

Later on in the month, we will talk about our families, and how they’re
special. We will discuss some of the things you can do as a family. As a class, we will also discuss pets and our grandparents. We will talk about how we should take care of our pets and some of the activities you can do with your grandparents. We will be making pets like dogs and cats during our craft time.

Near the end of the month, we will talk about the magic words (please and thank you) and manners! During circle time, we will discuss why we need to have good manners and the magic words we should be using. We will read the book The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf and discuss the importance of honesty. The children will make a magic word craft, where they will cut papers with magic words on them, and glue them on a piece of construction paper.

Mrs. Naouel, Mrs. Georgina

Toddler Room 2

Happy Birthday to Erik this month.

Hello families and welcome to February!! We can’t believe January is already over! One step closer to summer! We have a couple wonderful holidays to celebrate this month and we can’t wait to have fun with our friends!

We will start February off by finishing our Letter “O”. The children should have quite a lot of fun with this weeks activities.

Our next week will be filled with two fun subjects, the Letter “P” and Valentines Day! We start the week with our letters and then we will move on to some lovey dovey art activities for our friends. We will be using quite a few different mediums to create our art.

The following week we will finish off with Valentines Day fun and move on to our Family Day fun! We can’t wait to make some family trees and cards for our wonderful families.

The third week of February will be full of tricky art with the Letter “Q”. This isn’t the most common letter so it will be interesting to teach the children some new words!

Our final week of February will be for the Letter “R”. The children are getting so good at their letters! We have been having so much fun the last few months learning and practicing our alphabet.

Mrs. Kayleigh, Mrs. Monisha

Preschool Room

Happy Birthday to Ellison!

Hello Parents! The sun’s light is beginning to reach us earlier in the mornings and is staying a little longer with us each afternoon. We are so looking forward to a spring filled with warmer days.

Valentine’s Day puts one in mind of notes, cards, and letters to friends and loved ones. So, what could be a more fitting pre-Valentine’s theme than a post office? Books have been selected to reflect this theme. They include Mail Harry to the Moon!; Too Many Moose!; and The Post Office. During art, we will practice stamping with bubble wrap and toilet paper rolls. We will write secret messages with invisible ink, and then reveal the message with turmeric. We will also practice our cutting skills by creating postcards.

Valentine’s Day week will greet the children with a classroom decked out in red and pink. We will discuss friendship: kindness, empathy, and celebrating with others. Our books this week include Happy Valentine’s Day, Charlie Brown; Celebrate Valentine’s Day; Happy Valentine’s Day, Curious George. Hearts will be painted pink and bedazzled with pom poms and feathers. We will make water-resistant hearts with oil pastels and watercolours. We will also use cookie cutters to make heart prints. We will be singing I’m a Little Valentine and Five Little Hearts. Our water table will be filled with Valentine’s Day objects.            

After Valentine’s Day week, our theme will change to friendship. Our books for this theme include Friendship, A Color for His Own, and I Will Surprise My Friend! We will be discussing how we can be there for our friends, what we enjoy doing with our friends, and so much more! We will make friendship necklaces from baking soda clay, friendship wreaths from our handprints, a flower kindness craft, and we will make chocolate chip cookies together. The dramatic play area will be set up as a post office and will include a post box, envelopes, and paper for the children to draw pictures for their friends or to practice forming letters.

Mrs. Tanya, Mrs. Yana, Mrs. Tatyana

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